A Real Biker Lawyer helps biker CLUBS as well as their Advocacy Groups
At American Biker Lawyer we are committed to helping Motorcycle Rights Organizations (MRO’s) as well as Motorcycle Clubs (MC’s) and Riding Clubs (RC’s) with their legal needs. We often help with club and MRO legal issues to build loyalty within the organization. Whether your club is a riding club, a motorcycle club, a social club, a HOG Chapter, an ABATE District or any other group that rides, we can help. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the 1% or in the 99%, we understand your legal needs and can assist you with fundraisers, rides, charity events, ride waivers, corporate organization, clubhouse issues, club structure, tax exempt status, and any other issues that organizations such as yours face. We do this for FREE.
If your club or MRO would like to have Steve visit your event or clubhouse to speak on a particular topic or ride, just call. He speaks on a rotating basis to dozens of clubs across the southeast and his speaking schedule fills up fast. Reach out to us on the “Contact Us” tab on the home page of this web site. His speaking lectures are funny, poignant and informative. He does not charge for these appearances, so engagements are limited and book quickly each year.